Whelp I missed the first one after trying to restart, I didn’t think it would be so hard to get going again. Turns out missing 3 months really hampers motivation.

My wife broke her arm in October which forced double parenting duty on me. So by the time work, cooking, the kids in bed, and anything my second job needed that day was complete, it be 11 PM most nights. One reliable solid hour a day is all I’ve had available for the most part, and that isn’t enough for well…, anything. Compounding that is the realization that working from home absolutely sucks the longer it goes on, once I’ve punched out for the day I have no desire to sit in the same chair staring at the same screen, again, knowing the next day would be the same.

I do have an exciting project I’m working out for the next few weeks that had me excited to draw again finally. Hopefully I don’t miss any more sundays.