Dinke and Dilly
Christmas tree toppers.
I want to get the hogwarts tree topper but don’t want to spend that much, maybe I’ll just get a sorting hat. Scratch that, I will get a sorting hat.
Early Risers
Open Mic Night 2
Bad jokes are hard to write. Good ones are too though. Maybe it’s just writing in general that is hard.
Late purchase
A month or two after I bought a playstation 4 the 5 was announced. I know it’s a ways out still but it still hurts a little when that happens. Like a price drop on amazon the day after you buy something.
The Bookmark
The Wheel of Time is my favorite book series, but seeing 15 books laid out in front of you makes rereading a series alot more intimidating. I’m currently mid way through Lord of Chaos, Dumai’s Well’s here I come.
Open Mic Night
I tried a longer rambling joke but I thought it took away from the visual gag. I may reuse this open mic night setting for those one off jokes that don’t have any reasonable set up.
Tissue paper
Happy Thanksgiving! Never forget the plate of pickled stuff no one eats, it’s not a holiday without it.
Seasonal movie list
I have an evolving list of movies that only work in certain seasons for me. The movies are mostly divided by feeling, some I just associate with TBS marathons. The spring list is actually lacking, if anyone has more let me know.