Seasonal movie list
I have an evolving list of movies that only work in certain seasons for me. The movies are mostly divided by feeling, some I just associate with TBS marathons. The spring list is actually lacking, if anyone has more let me know.
I have an evolving list of movies that only work in certain seasons for me. The movies are mostly divided by feeling, some I just associate with TBS marathons. The spring list is actually lacking, if anyone has more let me know.
When I planned this week I forgot a day, this led to a scramble for an extra banked idea for that unaccounted day. When this idea was originally put on paper the humidity was hovering around 10% if I remember right and touching practically anything led to some pretty powerful shocks. Cars were the worst.
This is a panel where the turn order is incorrect. I finished a mission to find a shipwrecked captain early in the game but needed to use that story bit here at the end so there was at least one thread to tie it together. Next sandbox game will have its story planned better. Only a few more left.
The event card drove a nearby sloop into my seas zone since I was a newly clean merchant. Meanwhile Monte was off wrecking shop in the south going full pirate.
This condenses a few uneventful turns down to a single panel. I hopped from port to port buying and selling along the way from San Juan to Tortuga. Monte had left many of the sea spots I used empty of merchants along the way, so there was little for me to raid.
Meet Monte. Carlos has joined the game.
The Monday and Friday Merchants and Marauders turn 4 wraps up. I delivered some contraband, bought some cocoa, and upgraded the rigging. The run in with the storm made me nervous.
Merchants and Marauders play though Turn 4. Trinidad port action.
For stories sake this turn will happen in a pirate port, it felt right.
Merchants and Marauders play though Turn 4. Approaching Trinidad and porting. Between sailing against the wind and dodging the storm and Navy getting to Trinidad took longer than I thought it would. I was playing solo up until this point but this turn my friend Carlos joined. I had a head start but since I was playing to see what story happened it wasn’t much.
Merchants and Marauders boardgame play through. Turn one continues, drawing cards to shop.
This was the first time I played using almost all the expansion modules. I stopped using the crew morale option because I kept forgetting it was there.