Archive for munch
A Tale of Sails. Havana.
Chapter 1 of a tale of sails will consist of turn 1 of the board game merchants and marauders. My captain’s home port in this play through was havana, which is where this tale begins.
String telephones
Fairy Tales
Once upon a time is a great little game. Everyone gets dealt a hand of cards and tries to get steer the story to their own ending card to “win”. I ended up drowning the character once to win. One person thought it was hilarious, the other was horrified.
Christmas Decorations
I had absolutely no plans to get christmas shopping done in October. Now I have to stop myself form buying more for the next two months. I’ve also started buying those birds at target. I want two for each season now.
Cold Case
Turn Two, Success at the police station, the cold case files held some clues.
I think I may alternate Billy Oboe and regular strips, maybe not.
The project is done
The table went together rather easily. It’s not perfect, but it can keep my larger games out and protected so I don’t have set up and tear-down to worry about.